Sweet and Savory Gift Basket #3


The Sweet and Savory Gift Basket #3 is spectacular. This gift basket’s design fulfills your sweet tooth and hunger. The gift basket includes Red Rocker Peppermint Blast Pretzel Mix, Caramel Popcorn, Focaccia Crisps Tuscan Style Crackers, Elki Savory Garlic and Herb Crackers, Smoky Valley Summer Sausage, Pretzel Twists, Tate’s Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies, Tate’s Bake Shop Macadamia Nut Cookies, Chocolate Hazelnut Pirouline Wafers, and East Shore Specialty Foods Slow Cooked Sweet and Tangy Mustard. It comes with a black and white tea towel for the hostess to keep. Munchies? It’s time to break out this gift basket that will satisfy snacks and desserts all in one.

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