Hello Fall!

As we welcome September, I feel a little sad to bid adieu to the longer days that summer brings, trips to the beach and lake, being barefoot, outdoor picnics, barbeques, feeling free and less stressed and a little more relaxed.

I had a fabulous summer with vacations spent at the beach (DE and FL) and Lake Charlevoix, MI, with family and friends. I took more time off than in years past and realized self-care is so important. Also, I attended the Fancy Food Show and the NY Gift Show after missing the last two years due to the pandemic.

These shows were not as well attended as in the past, with fewer vendors and buyers. However, I found some gems to add to my offerings, which is what these shows are all about. I continue to be mystified by vendors who put their heart and soul into what they love (I can relate). Starting a business is not easy; we often don't know where to start. But, and it is a big but, our passion drives us to keep going, figuring out step-by-step what needs to be done and making it happen. Long days, nights, and weekends motivate and drive us to continue to do more, create more, and see it to the end. Growing a business is not for the weak at heart. It takes stamina, perseverance, energy, and refusal to accept the word NO.

Though these shows are not easy to do with lots of walking, meeting vendors, discerning whether what they have passion for fits your business model and whether you can get behind their passion and be as committed to their product as they are. But I don't get tired of it, even after almost 22 years. My business is more robust because I have relationships with most of my vendors. I take the time to get to know them and trust them. I still get inspired by their love for what they have created. And that fascination allows me to create gifts of happiness and joy. This is how we help our clients. And it is a wonderful thing!


Top Ten Guide to Holiday Gift-Giving


How will you celebrate Administrative Professional’s Day?