Father’s Day

Father’s Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. It is a day that honors fatherhood and praises all fathers and father figures (stepfathers, grandfathers, foster fathers, great-grandfathers, uncles, etc.)


Many fathers will say that being a father is the greatest source of achievement, pride, and inspiration in their lives and that fatherhood has taught them, unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back, and how to be a better person.


We often don’t realize that our dads had reservations and fears when we came into the world. They don’t let us know this. Fathers stand by you through thick and thin. Like Ben E. King’s song says, “No, I won’t be afraid,” this is a message we can relate to. Knowing this person is there for you, to guide, teach, support, and love you, is such a gift.


How do you celebrate this extraordinary person? It is all about the experience. He may want to hang out together, or be with his friends, or have time to relax and chill. Whatever makes sense for you and your family this Father’s Day, please give him a special hug, let him know how you feel, and let him know how thankful you are that he is in your life.


Call Our Gift Biz’ gurus today at (240) 406-8701 or visit the website at Our Gift Biz and find the perfect gift for your father figure!


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How do you say thank-you?